PAN-OS® includes App-ID™, our patented traffic classification technology. It automatically discovers and controls new applications — even those that try to evade detection by masquerading as legitimate traffic, hopping ports or sneaking through firewalls under encryption. Plus, our latest post-Quantum cryptographic algorithms prohibit nonsanctioned activity, using vulnerability signatures and threat reporting.
PAN-OS includes User-ID™ and Cloud Identity Engine simplify user identification and authentication, while making it easy to deploy Zero Trust. Cloud Identity Engine also helps aggregate and synchronize user information across identity providers, allowing consistent authentication and authorization of users, regardless of location and where user identity stores reside. This is all done with point-and-click configuration that automatically synchronizes identity across all identity providers.
Device-ID™, a feature of PAN-OS, provides policy rules for devices regardless of changes to IP address or location. Gain context for how events relate to devices and device policies. PAN-OS can help improve security, decryption, QoS and authentication policies.
Similar to Device-ID and App-ID, Content-ID™ gives you the power to understand and control the content of traffic moving through your network. Content-ID provides comprehensive threat protection in a single scan of network traffic, optimizing your NGFW performance.
The traditional strategy of simply adding more and more security features results in performance degradation and increased latency. Our single-pass architecture performs all necessary security functions in a single scan, reducing complexity and minimizing total cost of ownership.
Unless inspected, encrypted traffic leaves organizations blind to security risks hidden inside. Hackers take advantage of this lack of visibility to deliver malware within encrypted traffic. PAN-OS provides comprehensive decryption for TLS and SSL encrypted traffic, including TLS 1.3 and HTTP/2.
Harvest Now, Decrypt Later (HNDL) attacks are a real threat to data privacy today, even though a cryptographically relevant quantum computer powerful enough to break encryption is years away. Safeguard your data with PAN-OS post-Quantum VPNs that are based on open standards.
Consolidate firewall and proxy into a single platform while managing capabilities through a centralized management platform to build policies. Support explicit proxy through PAC files and also transparent proxy.
In addition to the latest features in PAN-OS 11.1, you can also leverage innovations introduced in previous releases.